
Land Development
New development (greenfield), re-development (brownfield), dense high-rises, rural estates, community parks and natural corridors all require diverse engineering services. They also demand complete comprehension of the municipal and provincial protocols, by-laws and policies required to get the project approved and ready to build.
Functional Servicing Plans
Site Plans and Subdivision Design
Detailed Grading and Drainage Plans
Design of Water, Sanitary and Drainage Infrastructure
Roadway Design
Coordination of Planning, Geotechnical, Architectutural and Environmental Services
Permits and Approvals
Due Diligence Analysis and Review - Regulatory Setbacks and Constraint Mapping
Environmental Assessment and Public Consultation
Construction Administration and Inspection
Stormwater management is continually evolving with the advancement of regulatory policies, new technologies in software modelling, infrastructure and climate change. The design of resilient urban drainage systems is paramount in protecting our communities from flood hazard and maintaining and improving watershed health.
Floodplain Analysis, Flood Risk Assessment and Flood Proofing
River and Stream Crossing Analysis and Design (Bridges and Culverts)
Hydrologic Analysis and Watershed/Subwatershed Management Studies
Dam Breach Analysis and Decommissioning
Low Impact Development (LID)
Stormwater Facility Analysis and Design and Maintenance
Water Balance Analysis and Design
Phosphorus Loading Analysis
Erosion and Sediment Control Design and Implementation
Class Environmental Assessment and Public Consultation

Flood Hazard &
Urban Drainage

Stream Corridor Restoration
Our rivers and streams are dynamic systems. As landscapes evolve, so do rivers and streams. Understanding how river systems function prepares us for the challenges that arise when new or existing developments encounter the intricacies of stream corridors. Specialized services related to preserving, restoring, retrofitting, and creating natural corridors and engineered systems are key to protecting and maintaining our communities.
River/Stream Erosion Control
Natural Channel Design
Environmental Restoration and Enhancement
Fish Habitat Analysis and Design
Hydraulic Analysis
Coordination of Fluvial Geomorphological, Geotechnical and Structural Services
Environmental Assessment and Public Consultation
Permitting and Approvals
Construction Inspection and Contract Administration
As our communities grow, so must our infrastructure. Challenges arise when existing services reach their life cycle, become overburdened, or simply fail. To meet these challenges there needs to be a complete understanding and undertaking of existing conditions and future needs. Any new or retrofit solution requires consideration for public safety, value engineering, time management, improved performance and longevity.
Stormsewer and Sanitary System Analysis and Design
Stormwater Management Facility Analysis and Design
External Sanitary Sewer Capacity Analysis
- Combined Sewers Systems Analysis and Review
Facilitation of Pipeline Inspection and Condition Assessment
Cost Estimation and Value Engineering
Advisory Services and Contract Administration
Pipeline Rehabilitation - Assessment and Trenchless Lining
Environmental Assessment and Public Consultation
Construction Administration and Inspection
Permits and Approvals

Municipal Infrastructure

Peer Review and Training
Greck offers peer review services to regulatory agencies, consulting peers and contractors to ensure deadlines are met and a quality product is achieved. Founded from years of practical experience, training services are available upon request for those interested in strengthening their knowledge of "tried and true" techniques, modern software solutions, and engineering methodologies used in Canada.
Watershed Hydrology and Hydraulics
Municipal Design
Erosion and Sediment Control
Stormwater Management
Channel Erosion Control and Stabilization
Fundamentals of Open Channel Hydraulics
Natural Channel Design
Hydraulic Modelling
Hydrological Modelling