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Check The Project

Brookbanks Park and Deerlick Creek


The Toronto Region Conservation Area (TRCA) and the City of Toronto identified the need to implement erosion control and site restoration works to stabilize an existing gabion basket headwall at the outfall of a culvert that passes under Brookbanks Drive in Toronto.

A significant portion of the gabion structure base had failed. Existing gabion basket retaining walls on both banks of Deerlick Creek had also failed. A park path adjacent to the slumping west bank presented risks to public safety. As such, the need for erosion control work extended along the east and west banks of Deerlick Creek immediately downstream of the culvert.


Greck prepared detailed design drawings for stream bed and bank stabilization works, replacement of the outfall structure and replacement of a footbridge. A precast concrete structure was used for the headwall and armourstone walls were used to manage stream bank erosion. A natural step pool channel bed design was used to control stream flow energy downstream of the outfall.

In addition, hydraulic analysis and floodplain mapping of Deerlick Creek was completed in the area south of Brookbanks Drive to the confluence of the Don River, approximately 1.7 km downstream.

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